History records "the immortal thirty-two" as including a young man named Jonathan Lindley. And one of the first people I ran into, as I was setting out to report Born on a Mountaintop, turned out to be a relative of his.
Dave Lindley and his wife, Joyce, were touring Tennessee's Davy Crockett Birthplace State Park when I arrived to do the same. Despite a longstanding interest in history, Dave hadn't known he had an Alamo connection until a friend came back from San Antonio and said, "Hey, there's a Lindley on the wall!" Jonathan Lindley, Joyce explained, turned out to be cousin of Dave's "third or fourth great grandfather." He had gone to Texas, as so many did, in search of opportunity and land; the Lindleys believe he was manning a cannon in the Alamo church when the Mexicans broke through.
I thought of Dave and Joyce when my Crockett road trip finally took me to to San Antonio. I was
Here's just one: We humans need stories that give us hope, and courage in the face of darkness. And to that end, the stories of the famous Davy Crockett and the anonymous Jonathan Lindley both serve.